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   Event Details - Public Meeting - disability related issues


  • Start Date: Wednesday April 10
  • End Date: Wednesday April 10
  • Start Time: 12:00 PM
  • Location: Friendly Neighbor Senior Citizens Centre 26 Sutton Rd.
  • Phone Number: 1-800-442-4412
  • Event Website: Website


As an ongoing effort to continue to consult with the disability community and the many stakeholders around the province, the Premier’s Council on Disabilities is inviting all interested parties to participate in a public meeting to discuss disability related issues.

from 12:00 to 1:30

ALS or LSQ can be provided on request in advance.

light refreshments will be available.

Please share this invitation with anyone else who might be interested.

We want to hear from you - please RSVP to pcd-cpmph@gnb.ca

   Contact the event coordinator

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